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COVID-19 – Welcoming you all back safely

Guidelines in case of Covid-19 restrictions being introduced


If restrictions change, Kensington and Chelsea Festival will follow National Guidelines on Covid-19 to ensure that the Festival is delivered safely.


Some events will be adapted to enable us to deliver them in a socially distanced manner.

We will work hard to create a safe environment at all events throughout the Festival and guidance on how they will be operated will be updated here. Please check back for the latest information. 



If Government restrictions require, to keep you safe while you are at the Festival we will:


+ Have limited capacity 

+ Ask you for a contact phone number when booking to enable us to support the NHS Test and Trace scheme. Names and phone numbers will only be passed on to NHS test and trace if they request them, and will be deleted after 21 days after the Festival

+ Provide socially distanced indoor seating layouts and will allocate plenty of space at outdoor events

+ Require face coverings for audience and staff inside of venues. At outdoor events face coverings are encouraged

+ Provide one-way systems where possible

+ Provide signage and staff to remind everyone what is required – Give space, wash your hands and wear your face coverings

+ Provide contactless ticketing

+ Provide hand sanitising stations

+ Provide Track and Trace using the QR code or by speaking to a member of our team

+ Accept advance booking only, even for the traditionally free outdoor programme, so that we can better control numbers of people attending an event

Festival events take place at various venues. Some venues may operate their own Covid-safe measures. We will endeavour to contact you via email regarding any specific measures. Always check the venue’s own website where possible.

We thank you for your assistance and ask you help us make it a success by following all guidance provided to you in advance or at an event.

When Not to Visit

Please do not visit us if you or a member of your household have any symptoms, have recently tested positive for Covid-19 or have been asked to isolate following a Test and Trace call.

The Main symptoms of COVID-19 are:

+ a new continuous cough
+ a high temperature
+ a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of smell or taste (anosmia)

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