Below are a number of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). We will continue to update these as we develop our procedures around the evolving guidance from government.
Are Festival venues running at a reduced capacity so social distancing is possible?
Yes. We are currently operating at significantly reduced capacity across all Festival venues in order that we can give everyone plenty of space throughout their visit to the venue. Wherever possible, ventilation will be increased.
It is important that we all keep spaced when entering, leaving and using the public areas. Seating has been arranged to create free space or vacant seats in front of, behind and between different households. Please do not move from the seats you have been allocated.
Can I buy tickets on the door?
For ticketed events, all tickets should be bought in advance. For most events, tickets will remain on sale online up 10 minutes before the event.
Your tickets will be sent electronically (unless otherwise requested) and you can either print these at home or show them on your mobile device. Please have all tickets for your party ready.
How should I travel to the Festival?
If you are able to walk or cycle we would encourage this as part of our environmental policy. If you take public transport, please use your face covering as the law requires.
How does Test & Trace work at Festival venues?
Following Government guidelines, and to support NHS Test & Trace we will ask for all visitors (aged 16 years and above) to scan the official NHS QR code or provide their contact details. QR codes will be available at all festival venues. If you do not have the NHS app you can download it here. We will have staff in place to take yours and your party’s contact details if you do not wish to, or are unable to scan the QR code.
Your details will be treated in confidence and only passed to a Test & Trace Representative where this is requested and not shared with anyone else. Details will be deleted 21 days after the Festival has finished.
Will I be wearing a face covering at the venue?
Face coverings are required at indoor venues and are recommended for outdoor venues. Please help us to keep the rest of the audience, our staff and artists safe, by co-operating with our staff about this.
What constitutes a face covering?
A face covering is something which safely covers the nose and mouth. They can be reusable or single-use face coverings. They must securely fit round the side of the face. For this reason, plastic visors do not replace face coverings. We would only accept a plastic visor in place of a face covering if the wearer is exempt from wearing a face covering.
I am exempt from wearing a face covering, what should I do?
We understand that some people cannot wear face coverings for reasons of health or disability and therefore are legally exempt. Festival staff, unless exempt, will be wearing face coverings in venues.
If I forget my face covering, will I be able to come in?
Yes. We will have a small number of disposable face coverings available to audience members who forget to bring their own.
Will my child have to wear a face covering?
Children under the age of 11 are one of the categories of people who are legally exempt from wearing a face covering. Children attending with their household must socially distance from people outside of their household. Adults are to supervise their children at all times as it can be harder for them to remember and follow the safety rules.
If the show is cancelled by the venue due to Covid reasons, will I get a refund?
If we are required by any change to national or local regulations to cancel an event/s, ticket holders will be refunded (if a paid-for ticket was purchased), unless the performance is rescheduled in which case options for refunds will be provided at the time.
Can I make a group booking?
For ticketed events: No. In order to support social distancing, bookings may only be made by household groups or bubbles and you will need to confirm this when you book with us. A household is people you currently live with. Single adult households are able to form a bubble with one other household which then counts as one household. The maximum number of people from a household who can book to attend together is currently 6 people. You cannot attend with friends or family from other households because our seating arrangements only allow social distancing between households.
Can I meet my friends at the venue who also have tickets to the show?
People should continue to keep their distance from anyone not in their household or support bubble.
I’m worried that I may not feel safe coming to the event, who can I chat to at the venue about this?
Safety is important to us all and we are working to create an environment that is safe for everyone attending and working. If you have any questions or concerns about attending, please contact
What social distancing is expected of the audience?
At outdoor venues, we expect you to exercise social distancing in line with Government guidelines.
Capacity at events are reduced in order that we can give people plenty of space when people are arriving, moving around and sitting.
Seating has been arranged to create free space or empty seats in front of, behind and between different households. Please do not move from the seats you have been allocated.
Please follow our signage and co-operate with our staff by maintaining 2 metres distance wherever possible to do so.
Please follow any one-way systems and listen to the directions of the stewards when entering or leaving the auditorium and venue.
Are staff going to be helping to maintain social distancing measures and face covering policies?
Yes. Our staff have all received training in the Covid-Secure risk assessment established for our events and will be on hand to help people to remember and abide by the rules to keep us all safe whilst at the event. If you have any concerns about our safety procedures at an event, please speak to the Event Manager so that we can investigate and address this.
Can I stand up, dance or sing along?
Unfortunately, shouting and singing is not permitted because it increases the amount of aerosols created by the audience. Enthusiastic clapping is encouraged!
Are there plenty of opportunities to sanitise and wash my hands?
Yes. Where venues have bathrooms, there will be handwashing facilities. In addition, we will provide hand sanitiser dispensers at the entrances and around the venues for the audience to use regularly. Please ensure you sanitise your hands as you enter venues.
What are the cleaning arrangements at the venue?
Venues will be cleaned regularly especially high touch point areas, seating and toilets.
Can I leave the venue once I have arrived?
You can. For indoor venues, however, we kindly request that the audience try not to do so for the safety of our staff and other audiences.
While at indoor venues, as much as possible, remain in your seats once you have arrived. If you need to leave for any reason, you may have to wait for re-admittance and may be seated somewhere other than your original seat.
Will latecomers be admitted?
We will accept latecomers; however we may need to seat you in an alternative position in the auditorium, or may wait for an appropriate break so that we can get you safely seated once others are safely seated in your row.
How is the exit managed?
At indoor venues, please stay seated at the end of the event. You will be notified your turn to leave, by the best available exit by an event steward or by a PA announcement. Please do not congregate by doorways as you exit.
What if I have specific access requirements? Are there any Covid-Secure mitigations you are taking to help me?
For seated venues wheelchair users and their party will be shown to their seats by a steward.
If you lip read, please notify our staff and they will step away from you and temporarily lower their mask to speak.
If you have specific access requirements or questions, please contact
How can I get a Covid-19 test?
Anyone in England who does not have symptoms can now get free regular rapid lateral flow tests to check for coronavirus. Rapid lateral flow tests help to find cases in people who may have no symptoms but are still infectious and can give the virus to others. More information and details on ordering lateral flow tests can be found on this website The test usually involves taking a sample from your tonsils (or where they would have been) and from your nose, using a swab. You can get a result in 30 minutes.