Notting Hill Carnival at Opera Holland Park - Etienne Charles
Wednesday 16 August I 19:00
Opera Holland Park, Ilchester Place, London W8 6LU
Carnival Village Trust, organisers of Notting Hill Carnival, presents four nights of Carnival music at Opera Holland Park in association with Kensington and Chelsea Festival.
The Sound of the People - Etienne Charles
Etienne Charles brings the street energy of Trinidad’s iconic yearly ritual with Carnival : The Sound of a People – an exciting multi-disciplinary celebration of Trinidad’s Carnival through it’s music, movements and masquerade. The original music, composed by Charles, tells the story of traditional characters such as Jab Molassie, Dame Lorraine, Moko Jumbie and Fancy Sailor as well as gives an account the evolution of sonic elements of this most important cultural island ritual, including folk drumming, Tamboo Bamboo, Iron bands and Calypso.
This is a Main Festival Event. Tickets required. Please book using the venue website link.